Open Every Day
FOR RENT: 3BR Redsun House 406-642-6675 for info

Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take to walk the labyrinth?
At a leisurely pace, it takes 20-30 minutes to walk to the center of the labyrinth. You can walk out of the labyrinth on the same path (another 20-30 minutes), or you can exit directly.
To exit directly, walk the first line of the path away from the center, but don’t take the turn. Instead, step over two rows of fieldstones (one row ahead, one to the right) to reach the path entrance.
Does the labyrinth have walls? Can I get lost?
The labyrinth is not the same as a maze:
A maze is made with tall shrubs or cornstalks that prevent you from seeing the way in and out. The labyrinth path is marked with low fieldstones, so you can always see the entire horizon in every direction.
A maze has dead ends and false turns—a puzzle to solve. The labyrinth has only one way in and out. Your only decision is to enter.
In a labyrinth, you can’t get lost, but you might lose yourself to the meditative nature of the experience.
Is a bathroom available?
An outhouse is available near the labyrinth. You’ll see it to your right as you enter the field that surrounds the labyrinth.
Where can I park?
At the top of the driveway (after you turn off Pleasant View Drive) there are a few parking spaces next to the pedestrian entrance gate. If those spaces are full, cars can angle park on the grass next to the driveway.
Can I walk everywhere on the property?
No. Please stay on the path to and from the labyrinth. Redsun Labyrinth is located on private property. The owner generously opens the labyrinth to people who respect the place and the people who live here.
How do I find the labyrinth from the parking area?
Enter through the pedestrian gate.
Walk up the driveway. Where the driveway splits, go to the right.
Ahead, you’ll see the kiosk with information about Redsun.
Follow the boardwalk, then follow the woodchip path to the metal gate.
Go through the gate (please chain the gate behind you) and up the alley to the archway into a field.
Ahead, you’ll see the Wishing Stone and, behind it, the gate into the labyrinth.
When you leave, please latch the gate.